Another year is almost over and we're about to start all over again. Are you excited?
Are you ready for it? Or is there still apart of you wanting to hold onto the year that's just passed us by?
Looking back what did you set out and achieve? Did all your plans go as planned and work out? Did any milestones happen? There's a lot to think back on isn't there?
What plans do you have for the year that's about to start? Or do you just want to go with the flow this time around? Whatever it is you have planned, enjoy it. Grasp it close in your heart and run with it. Because the year that's about to start can't be redone until the next. Don't go into a fresh year with regrets, don't go into it with fear. Walk through the gates of 2016 with excitement and determination. This new year is going to be YOUR year.
Be strong, be proud, be confident. Believe that the person you are is worthy, you deserve happiness, you deserve all the good things. If anything bad happens remain who you are. Being you has got you this far, you will continue on to carry yourself to greatness. To happiness. Just believe in yourself.
Make friends and push yourself. Nothing is as scary as it seems, sometimes the scary things you think in your mind turn out to be the greatest experiences of your life so don't say no to them. All new experiences will make you grow.
If 2015 was tough, don't worry, you've made it to its end. It can't hurt you anymore as its all gone by. It's all just a memory, it's now one of life's scars that you can hide. If it was tough it's made you stronger, it's shown you that the most difficult situations you can imagine can be lived through and you can survive.
Life has a beginning, it has a middle and eventually has an end. We can't remember how it began and we'll never know when it ends. So for us right now we are in the midst of it. It's like a story, and currently we are writing the plots of our lives so please do make it an exciting one. One others want to talk about.
With the year ending we can say goodbye.
Goodbye 2015, you proved to be difficult but you showed me who I am. I vow to strengthen myself further whilst living with your neighbour 16.
Much love
B xx
Another year is almost over and we're about to start all over again. Are you excited?
Are you ready for it? Or is there still apart of you wanting to hold onto the year that's just passed us by?
Looking back what did you set out and achieve? Did all your plans go as planned and work out? Did any milestones happen? There's a lot to think back on isn't there?
What plans do you have for the year that's about to start? Or do you just want to go with the flow this time around? Whatever it is you have planned, enjoy it. Grasp it close in your heart and run with it. Because the year that's about to start can't be redone until the next. Don't go into a fresh year with regrets, don't go into it with fear. Walk through the gates of 2016 with excitement and determination. This new year is going to be YOUR year.
Be strong, be proud, be confident. Believe that the person you are is worthy, you deserve happiness, you deserve all the good things. If anything bad happens remain who you are. Being you has got you this far, you will continue on to carry yourself to greatness. To happiness. Just believe in yourself.
Make friends and push yourself. Nothing is as scary as it seems, sometimes the scary things you think in your mind turn out to be the greatest experiences of your life so don't say no to them. All new experiences will make you grow.
If 2015 was tough, don't worry, you've made it to its end. It can't hurt you anymore as its all gone by. It's all just a memory, it's now one of life's scars that you can hide. If it was tough it's made you stronger, it's shown you that the most difficult situations you can imagine can be lived through and you can survive.
Life has a beginning, it has a middle and eventually has an end. We can't remember how it began and we'll never know when it ends. So for us right now we are in the midst of it. It's like a story, and currently we are writing the plots of our lives so please do make it an exciting one. One others want to talk about.
With the year ending we can say goodbye.
Goodbye 2015, you proved to be difficult but you showed me who I am. I vow to strengthen myself further whilst living with your neighbour 16.
Much love
B xx
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