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My letter to MND


Dear you,

I want to start off by saying I don't like you. From the day we have met all you have done is cause pain, you have caused misery! That is all you do for everyone you meet. You find them at their best and demolish their whole being. You break them down to the point where there is no fight left, but they will fight you until the very end knowing they will never win. One day they will win, one day we will all break YOU down so you're not here any more.

None of us like you, but you bring us all closer together. You make us realise that we can't go on just floating by, you make us realise that time is the most precious thing any one in the world has got! And with that precious time we have to make as many wonderful memories possible, we have to tackle all the hurdles you throw at us so that you know we will stick together and fight you.

I have the displeasure of knowing you, so many others have the displeasure of living with you. For those I can't imagine what you are like, the frustration you cause, the dignity you take away from them. Why do you chose the ones you chose? Although you don't cause physical pain when you do what you do, those you have latched onto go through mounds of pain when they fall, when their balance goes and they can't stop themselves from hitting the ground below. You cause immense emotional pain, to both those you latch onto and those, like myself you only know you! Do you think it's funny to see what everyone goes through while you're around? Do you enjoy it? We will all fight you with every fibre of our being.

Why in some do you not only take the physical ability away but you take their mental ability too? Is it not devastating enough as it is? I only hope that those you strip of both abilities are unaware, I hope they don't understand what you are doing to them. I understand though, I know that what you are doing and I know where it's heading and I hate you for that! We all hate you for that.

I don't know how long it will take for you to no longer exist, I don't know if it's even possible but I can only pray for a day when no one will hear of you again. No families will have to have you in their homes, you will be a distant memory, an awful memory for those you have already swooped in and taken. You're like a tornado, you seem to appear very quickly, do what you do and causally leave leaving everyone a wreck.

I have to thank you for one thing, and one thing only. You bring so many strangers together, we are all strangers but all connected because of you! When one of us is struggling we know we have people there who know exactly how we feel. We are a community because of you. That is the only thing I can thank you for.



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, I hope it comes across okay xx

    2. Couldn`t put it better myself. :) x

  2. One of your best Beth! X

  3. MND has caused a lot of pain through spasms for my mother. She has found this difficult to alleviate despite morphine.

  4. Love it beth xx steve

  5. go on n.i.c.e. website for m n d. they suggest patient uses n.i.v. non invasive ventilation LONG BEFORE they need it. to prolong lifespan , social worker. o.t. therapist tens machine flu jab numovak. . also care centre of excelence in Leeds. phone number 08457626262. speech and language therapist. physio physiologist and breathing specialist. I have a friend who has this illness also.


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