Good evening my loves, lying here in my bed, it seems to be the new location for the posts lately. And I'm feeling very inspired to write to you, at the minute I'm having feelings of really enjoying my blog. I've always enjoyed my blog but sometimes when I see the posts being viewed I feel like WOO I'm maybe helping someone today with my words.
I recently watched Tom Fletcher's video on YouTube about inspiration and previous to that I had seen Jack Howard's video too and although I'm not a vlogger I felt inspired to write a little post about what it means to me. My take on it you may say.
I get very inspired by music, listening to music can take my mind into so many different creative spaces and avenues. Music sets my imagination free. I once wrote a whole script (not a very good one) just by playing the same song over and over because it some how got my mind moving.
Music is a chain reaction, that artist the music belongs too was inspired by something to write what they wrote, it could have been something small or something huge but something, anything created that song which then goes onto inspiring others.
I love how music makes me feel, I love sitting on the bus on the way to work with my headphones on looking out the window and letting my mind get lost in it. I can go to another place sometimes and I absolutely love it. And that makes me want to do things, make goals for myself or to write something that maybe one day I could share with the world and make an impact. It makes me want to be and do something great.
I think that's what inspiration does to people, it makes them feel like they can do the best they can, they are going to put 110% into whatever it is that they are desperate to do. But not for other people's sake, but for their own. To prove to themselves that they can achieve what it is in their minds they want to achieve. To give themselves a massive pat on the back and a 'well done' it's pretty amazing.
I believe it teaches people, people learn from it. Because when there is something you want or something you want to create but you're not too sure how to go about it, you research, you learn what to do to make it possible and by learning you make mistakes and with mistakes you learn to fix them and so on and so on.
Inspiration is about letting your mind go wild with imagination, it's about giving you determination and confidence. It's actually a pretty big deal when you really think about it.
It's pretty awesome. So loves, what inspires you? I hope it's something amazing to you.
Much love,
Beth xxx
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