Hey there lovelies, how are you on this fine day? Well I hope :) im writing this earlier than when I'm uploading it, I'm currently sat on the bus to Beverley so I can start work. I umm and ahh about who to listen to during my 40 minute journey but I've settled on listening to Paramore. I always enjoy their music but it does make me want to sing along like a maniac, I just don't think the bus driver and strangers sat in front of me are quite ready for that though.
Major side note to what I'm about to write but did you know in this area our telephone boxes are white instead of red? Yup it's true, something to do with Hull I think I'm not sure. Maybe Hull and the surrounding areas like to be different.
I want to talk to you about feeling stuck in a rut and the want for change. For a little while now I have felt like I'm running but not going anywhere, I'm burning a hole in the ground because I'm not moving. Or like a tree that isn't growing leaves in summer. I think a lot of us get like this from time to time because we get comfortable and if I'm honest I don't know if that's a good thing. By being comfortable we don't develop as people, we don't learn anything new. I'm desperate to learn new things. I want to develop as a person, I want to discover better traits within me, I want to become a better version of myself. For me to do this I need change.
Change has to be one of the scariest things to me, it shifts comfort zones and for a lot of people and I'm putting myself in this we can avoid change all together. But we shouldn't loves because changing something we might not be 100% happy with but are 100% comfortable with could possibly be the best thing we ever do.
I am trying to make the steps for new beginnings, I'm trying my best in the hope someone will give me a chance. While I'm doing this I'm have having an internal fight with self doubt, am I good enough, am I worth investing in? How many of you loves sometimes feel like this when trying your hand at someone new? I know it's all part and parcel of it, the key is not to let that self doubt stop you, me, us from achieving new goals.
Sometimes we wait and wait for opportunities to arise we miss so many other great opportunities that are right infront of our noses. And sometimes what we have ended up waiting for can turn out in the end to be not even worth it.
Because I now have to go, to conclude my words to you are, if like me new beginnings scare you or make you doubt yourself, still go for them. The change could open your life to far better opportunities.
Much love
Beth xxx
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