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Let's Get Lost in Our Dreams


Good evening my loves. I'm lied here in bed wanting to write to you all as Rob is desperately trying to fix the fan so that it's not a sauna in here tonight! Is it warm where you are? Us northern English folk aren't used to muggy heat!! To be honest are we used to any heat here in England? Probs not!! 

I watched the film Saving Mr Banks earlier tonight. It's a great film, I absolutely love it. I highly recommend any of you to watch it if you haven't already. Anyway in the film the main characters Dad has this amazing imagination. Creating mini stories for his daughter to listen to and play along. It's so lovely. Then there's Walt Disney, my god that man had such imagination! He did after all create one of if not the biggest franchise in the world DISNEY. But from the film you get a strong sense that he created it all because he loved it, he breathed it. Not because of any money rolling in. And loves it got me thinking, thinking about how much we daydream and imagine things. 

How often do you catch yourself in a different place created by your mind? How often do you pull yourself away from staring intensely into the distance unaware of what's going on around you? I know I do numerous times a day. It's like for a few seconds our minds create this bubble made from our thoughts that are whizzing around in our brains and for those few seconds they have 100% captivated us. That bubble can throw back old memories we thought we had long forgot, people we thought we had forgot. Just goes to show that our brain is like a huge archive, nothing gets forgotten really, just stored away to deep to find again. 

As well as memories these bubbles can throw back at us, they can also be the start of something truly amazing. A creation of an idea that you can grab onto, run with and build. They make something that is yours and yours only. And that's because with daydreaming comes imagining, letting go of reality and using our amazing imaginations to absolutely wild with! Our imaginations can build the most amazing of dreams that are instilled in us to one day achieve. To one day think back to and go "wow I did this"  Quite amazing really isn't it? 

Our imaginations show us what we deep down want and who we are. Yes there is the side of imagining that runs away with us, makes us overthink, worry, panic and think up irrational scenarios but still, that's kinda showing us who we are as people because it's pulling from our insecurities and fears, showing us our natural faults as human beings. This part of our imaginations give us the drive to better ourselves so that the negatives can be squished. It gives us determination. 

Everyday we daydream, everyday we imagine things and I'm pretty sure that most of us everyday won't take notice of what those few seconds contain. Once we are back in real time, real life takes over and that daydream is forgotten. But maybe as a task, we should try one day to acknowledge those bubbles and look into what they contained. Ask ourselves why they brought up what they did. Is it our sub conscious trying to tell us something? Who knows but maybe it's worth a minute to think about it. Who knows what might happen from it.

Much love


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