Hello my loves, it's been about a week now, I've been working everyday trying to get more money so me and Rob can save for a house! Please forgive me for the distance.
I made the 20 extra big because I think it's cool that this is my 20th blog :) and you've all stuck by and read the thoughts from my brain no matter how dull or weird they are, you have read them, you're reading them right now (if you haven't closed the webpage down by now anyway)
I am listening to Alexisonfire again, but I'm listening to their 2009 album Old Crows/Young Cardinals. I'm miming along and air drumming...yes I'm an air drummer!! I like to think that one day my air drumming skills will be put to the test and we will all discover that I'm a fantastic drummer! My uncle Ronnie was a fill in drummer for the band Nazareth, at least I think he was, I know he was their lighting guy, again I could be wrong. I was very young when I got told this information, anyway that's completely useless information but *Hi uncle Ronnie :)*
Right I'm not going to lie, nothing has really happened in my week.
I have passed my second booklet of my Dementia Care course just one more booklet to go and then I can figure out any further study I might want to take up because this course doesn't give me any huge qualifications just the knowledge of stuff but we all need knowledge so it's a good thing :)
I have set up a Just Giving page so that you lovely folks and others can donate towards the 10K we are doing, you don't have too as I know pretty much everything is about giving money somewhere but my goal is to raise £500 and I have around 7/8 months to reach that goal. I would appreciate it greatly if you were to donate towards it. So far we have raised £85, I have put the link in below for you just incase :)
I went for a walk tonight with Rob and we walked just less than 4 miles. I don't do running, I never have, I'm one of those people BUT I...JOGGED, yes I know! I jogged in random bursts for about a minute each but I did jog, until cars appeared then I immediately stopped, head down and walked hoping they didn't see but again I surprised myself, at one point my goal was to jog to a lamp post and a car was on it's way and I carried on jogging. I clocked him staring at me as he drove past which made me feel very embarrassed which I shouldn't have done really because I have as much right as anyone else, just because I wibble wobble a bit more than others that shouldn't offend them. Bastards
Also this week in the land of Beth a.k.a ME I have decided that I want to get a new tattoo, you can see my forearm is slightly coloured in on the picture above, I want to add to that! I want to get a cardinal bird tattoo'd on the back of my forearm to fill a space that will enable me to start getting the top of my arm tattoo'd.
Aren't they pretty!!! So that is my mission at the end of the month, to get my tattoo booked and done while I'm off at the end of October beginning of November. I CAN'T WAIT FOR FIREWORKS.
Oh, this week I have noticed that I might be slightly OCDish. It's weird but I like to have the same two sandwich fillings in my sandwiches on certain days. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I like to have peanut butter and on a Wednesday I mix it up by having a nutella sandwich - that in itself is odd enough I know it's odd in my head but now written down it's much more ridiculous. Anyway on Wednesday this week I ran out of nutella so I had to have peanut butter and then I had to have nutella on Thursday, completely threw my sandwich routine out the window and until Saturday when my sandwich routine went back to it's normal day I felt very out of sync and as if something bad was going to happen because I had to alter my days. HOW MAD IS THAT!! I shake my head in disbelief writing this to you guys because it is that stupid! but at the time felt quite major! How anyone puts up with me is a mystery, maybe you all like me because of my quirks.?
I'm sorry nothing exciting has happened, I have nothing major to report, after tomorrow I am working all week again but tomorrow I plan a day of Sims 4 and another walk when Rob gets home from work. Maybe I will jog some more! :D
Thank you for helping me guys...with everything!
Much love
Beth xx
p.s to leave a comment select the name/url in the drop down
p.p.s https://www.justgiving.com/B-Aboe-Howlett/ :D
Hello my loves, it's been about a week now, I've been working everyday trying to get more money so me and Rob can save for a house! Please forgive me for the distance.
I made the 20 extra big because I think it's cool that this is my 20th blog :) and you've all stuck by and read the thoughts from my brain no matter how dull or weird they are, you have read them, you're reading them right now (if you haven't closed the webpage down by now anyway)
I am listening to Alexisonfire again, but I'm listening to their 2009 album Old Crows/Young Cardinals. I'm miming along and air drumming...yes I'm an air drummer!! I like to think that one day my air drumming skills will be put to the test and we will all discover that I'm a fantastic drummer! My uncle Ronnie was a fill in drummer for the band Nazareth, at least I think he was, I know he was their lighting guy, again I could be wrong. I was very young when I got told this information, anyway that's completely useless information but *Hi uncle Ronnie :)*
Right I'm not going to lie, nothing has really happened in my week.
I have passed my second booklet of my Dementia Care course just one more booklet to go and then I can figure out any further study I might want to take up because this course doesn't give me any huge qualifications just the knowledge of stuff but we all need knowledge so it's a good thing :)
I have set up a Just Giving page so that you lovely folks and others can donate towards the 10K we are doing, you don't have too as I know pretty much everything is about giving money somewhere but my goal is to raise £500 and I have around 7/8 months to reach that goal. I would appreciate it greatly if you were to donate towards it. So far we have raised £85, I have put the link in below for you just incase :)
I went for a walk tonight with Rob and we walked just less than 4 miles. I don't do running, I never have, I'm one of those people BUT I...JOGGED, yes I know! I jogged in random bursts for about a minute each but I did jog, until cars appeared then I immediately stopped, head down and walked hoping they didn't see but again I surprised myself, at one point my goal was to jog to a lamp post and a car was on it's way and I carried on jogging. I clocked him staring at me as he drove past which made me feel very embarrassed which I shouldn't have done really because I have as much right as anyone else, just because I wibble wobble a bit more than others that shouldn't offend them. Bastards
Also this week in the land of Beth a.k.a ME I have decided that I want to get a new tattoo, you can see my forearm is slightly coloured in on the picture above, I want to add to that! I want to get a cardinal bird tattoo'd on the back of my forearm to fill a space that will enable me to start getting the top of my arm tattoo'd.
Aren't they pretty!!! So that is my mission at the end of the month, to get my tattoo booked and done while I'm off at the end of October beginning of November. I CAN'T WAIT FOR FIREWORKS.
Oh, this week I have noticed that I might be slightly OCDish. It's weird but I like to have the same two sandwich fillings in my sandwiches on certain days. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I like to have peanut butter and on a Wednesday I mix it up by having a nutella sandwich - that in itself is odd enough I know it's odd in my head but now written down it's much more ridiculous. Anyway on Wednesday this week I ran out of nutella so I had to have peanut butter and then I had to have nutella on Thursday, completely threw my sandwich routine out the window and until Saturday when my sandwich routine went back to it's normal day I felt very out of sync and as if something bad was going to happen because I had to alter my days. HOW MAD IS THAT!! I shake my head in disbelief writing this to you guys because it is that stupid! but at the time felt quite major! How anyone puts up with me is a mystery, maybe you all like me because of my quirks.?
I'm sorry nothing exciting has happened, I have nothing major to report, after tomorrow I am working all week again but tomorrow I plan a day of Sims 4 and another walk when Rob gets home from work. Maybe I will jog some more! :D
Thank you for helping me guys...with everything!
Much love
Beth xx
p.s to leave a comment select the name/url in the drop down
p.p.s https://www.justgiving.com/B-Aboe-Howlett/ :D
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