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My everyday make up :D


Hello my loves *waves* I would just like to say I am in a MUCH better mood than I was back in my last blog, sometimes things just get a bit much and you need a good cry and cuddle from the one you love the most, but I am absolutely fine now :D

Did you all have a good weekend? 

This blog is TOTALLY different, on Friday at work a girl asked me how I do my make up, I was thinking 'oh no!!' But she asked because she liked it :D so I thought I would show you the steps I take for my everyday make up :) There is a picture of me with NO make up on and it's not the nicest of things to see but there's only the one. Some of the pictures I took with a camera and some with my iPod because I've got my 'selfie' face mastered and it just wasn't working right with the digital camera *laughs* I'm not a professional, I don't know if I use the correct brushes or the correct colours for my face but I like the end result so I hope you do too :)

Oh and listen to whatever you like because that's what I do when doing my make up.

So...this is what I use everyday, as you can see most of it is running out (must buy more!!)

THIS is my face! YUCK, yes I'm 24 and still get spots!! When do they stop appearing arrghh

I apply my foundation that I cover all those scars from spots and to make my skin tone more even. I just get the brush and go mad. DON'T FORGET TO DO THE NECK, foundation lines don't look good on anyone!

I then put concealer on under my eyes and slightly on my eyelids as they usually stay quite pink, I also put it on my spots so they don't look all sore and red. I use a brush to blend the concealer in and hope that it looks all lovely. (sorry about the wrinkles guys)

I didn't take a picture of my face after I blended the concealer and put powder on because I wasn't sure if it would show up on a picture but after I put the powder on I get my blusher and again...go mad, sometimes I go a bit OTT but it's because I'm pale and I think blusher is good to bring colour :) I tend to put blusher on my whole cheek bone and just lightly around the temple (I don't know why)

Eye-shadow is my new friend, I used it so much it's practically all gone, I use a light natural base colour on the whole of my lid up to the eyebrow.

I then mix the light brown and gold shimmer colours I have to go in the crease of the eyelid, I tend to go above that crease as well with those two colours. Once I'm happy with that I get the dark brown and go around the edge of my lid, this gives a nice smokey eye effect but with more natural tones rather than black. 

Eye-liner has been in my life since I was 16!! I still mess it up, you can kinda see it's not the neatest of jobs from this picture. I always do a wing, I absolutely love my eye-liner like this, I don't look right if I don't wear it. 

Once the eye-liner is on I then put tons of mascara on! I have quite long lashes and I love them to be quite noticeable, so there is no such thing as too much mascara to me :) 

Here is a better look at my lashes! If you have straight lashes deffo use an eyelash curler :) 
I don't put eye-liner on the water line of my eyes, I find eyes look bigger without it.

Then to finish it off I put a tiny bit of pink lipstick on and ta-dahhh I can be seen in public :D
I never reapply my lipstick, I don't know why, as the day goes by I don't feel I need too.
I don't reapply any of my make up to be honest, I think I put so much of the stuff on it can't go anywhere :D

I hope you enjoyed that little picture show :) like I said, I'm no professional, I haven't given you any advice on how to apply make up, I'm just showing you my face. There is no right or wrong with make up, you wear it however you feel is most comfortable and how confident it makes you feel. 

I've got to get sorted for work now but we will chat soon my loves

Much love
Beth xx

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