28. Well hello there you lovely lot! It's Wednesday and I feel like writing a blog, so why the heck not! I do honestly try not to bombard you all with frequent blogs but sometimes I just want to update you all on stuff. Do you mind? No? Okay good :D I'm currently listening to Macklemore and Ryan Lewis - The Heist album, I'm mixing it up kids, if I listen to this in public, like on the bus, I have to really restrain myself from flapping my arms around in the air and miming badly to the words. I ain't no rapper (secretly wish I was) So I'm now on my two weeks holiday and so far I've done nothing! All the cool stuff is happening next week, gah so unfair! BUT I have FINISHED MY COURSE WOOO *pats on the back* hopefully I won't have to re do any of it, because I really cannae be bothered with that. I do like to learn but I have no motivation or patience to read stuff, does anyone else get that? Just so you know I'm having major gaps while writing thi...