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Showing posts from October, 2014

Rap music, Hagrid hair and Dementia chat!

28. Well hello there you lovely lot! It's Wednesday and I feel like writing a blog, so why the heck not! I do honestly try not to bombard you all with frequent blogs but sometimes I just want to update you all on stuff. Do you mind? No? Okay good :D I'm currently listening to Macklemore and Ryan Lewis - The Heist album, I'm mixing it up kids, if I listen to this in public, like on the bus, I have to really restrain myself from flapping my arms around in the air and miming badly to the words. I ain't no rapper (secretly wish I was)  So I'm now on my two weeks holiday and so far I've done nothing! All the cool stuff is happening next week, gah so unfair! BUT I have FINISHED MY COURSE WOOO *pats on the back* hopefully I won't have to re do any of it, because I really cannae be bothered with that. I do like to learn but I have no motivation or patience to read stuff, does anyone else get that?  Just so you know I'm having major gaps while writing thi...

Arsenal, Tears and Happiness!

26. We meet again my loves, how ya diddling? I'm good, I have two weeks off work now :D nothing major is planned...oh wait HARRY POTTER STUDIOS and bonfire night, I love bonfire night, the magic of the fireworks and sparklers is just so beautiful. I will definitely try and get some pictures of the fireworks and sparklers of the bonfire I'm planning on going too.  Is it just in the UK we celebrate bonfire night?  I'm currently listening Marmozets - Captivate You, I've heard this band quite a lot on Kerrang radio and just love this song, it gets me bouncing around in my seat. I downloaded their album and it's pretty belting I have to say! It was on repeat everyday this past week on the bus, a definite boost before work.  I don't know if I told you guys that my Dads best friend, Steve, contacted Arsenal (my Dad is obsessed) and explained his situation and how much he loves the team and always has done, and they wrote him back to say they would send Dad...

We can only be who we are

25. Hey guys!! Woah! Guys? Let me start that again... Hey lovelies :) how you all diddling? Another week has passed, not long till Halloween, what are you all dressing up as to go to all those cool parties? I won't be going to any doos but I might have a play around with face painting because it's pretty cool!  I am listening to Saves The Day - At Your Funeral, I heard it on Kerrang today and thought it was really good and I was sure I recognised it but wasn't 100% sure so I've Googled it and it was released back in 2001!! I have a good memory but not that good. Anyway it's a catchy song but after reading the lyrics it's a bit...interesting, I leave that one in your own hands to whether or not you listen to it.  Well...I'm not far away from having a total of 5000 views on my blog woop woop thank you all for reading and I welcome any newbies to my blog, hello nice to meet you I'm Beth blah blah blah. I LOVE WRITING MY BLOG. Writing everything I...

My everyday make up :D

24. Hello my loves *waves* I would just like to say I am in a MUCH better mood than I was back in my last blog, sometimes things just get a bit much and you need a good cry and cuddle from the one you love the most, but I am absolutely fine now :D Did you all have a good weekend?  This blog is TOTALLY different, on Friday at work a girl asked me how I do my make up, I was thinking 'oh no!!' But she asked because she liked it :D so I thought I would show you the steps I take for my everyday make up :) There is a picture of me with NO make up on and it's not the nicest of things to see but there's only the one. Some of the pictures I took with a camera and some with my iPod because I've got my 'selfie' face mastered and it just wasn't working right with the digital camera *laughs* I'm not a professional, I don't know if I use the correct brushes or the correct colours for my face but I like the end result so I hope you do too :) Oh...

Sometimes we need a hug!

23. Well, hello my loves! My last two blogs have been a little different, I posted one without putting it on Twitter or Facebook because it was just a spur of the moment poem thing, not a very good poem! and my last blog I wrote because I was feeling a bit shitty about things so I thought I would target that blog to what makes me feel shitty and that is MND.  The response from my last blog 'My letter to MND' has been a bit mad really! So many of you have read it which makes me so incredibly happy and the comments I have received have all been so supportive and lovely, I thank you for that! <3  I am currently listening to Jessie Ware - Say You Love Me and the song Heart Like Yours from the movie If I Stay, both beautiful songs that I have been slightly hooked on this whole week. I urge you to listen to them :) Can I just ask, do any of you find a song that you love and listen to it on repeat until you realise you're not actually listening  any more ? And then you ...

My letter to MND

22. Dear you, I want to start off by saying I don't like you. From the day we have met all you have done is cause pain, you have caused misery! That is all you do for everyone you meet. You find them at their best and demolish their whole being. You break them down to the point where there is no fight left, but they will fight you until the very end knowing they will never win. One day they will win, one day we will all break YOU down so you're not here any more. None of us like you, but you bring us all closer together. You make us realise that we can't go on just floating by, you make us realise that time is the most precious thing any one in the world has got! And with that precious time we have to make as many wonderful memories possible, we have to tackle all the hurdles you throw at us so that you know we will stick together and fight you. I have the displeasure of knowing you, so many others have the displeasure of living  with you. For those I can't i...
21. I find life beautiful I find life hard  I find life is free I find life is whatever you want it to be You decide what to do everyday You decide to say yes or no You decide if you survive We get told what to do We get told what we should think Yet we get told to stand up for what we believe in People judge others when they are different People don't like what they can't understand People can't understand because they fear Money doesn't give you more power Money doesn't make you happy Money is what makes this world difficult You are beautiful because you are you Never let anyone make you feel any different

20TH BLOG!!!!!!!

20. Hello my loves, it's been about a week now, I've been working everyday trying to get more money so me and Rob can save for a house! Please forgive me for the distance. I made the 20 extra big because I think it's cool that this is my 20th blog :) and you've all stuck by and read the thoughts from my brain no matter how dull or weird they are, you have read them, you're reading them right now (if you haven't closed the webpage down by now anyway) I am listening to Alexisonfire again, but I'm listening to their 2009 album Old Crows/Young Cardinals. I'm miming along and air drumming...yes I'm an air drummer!! I like to think that one day my air drumming skills will be put to the test and we will all discover that I'm a fantastic drummer! My uncle Ronnie was a fill in drummer for the band Nazareth, at least I think he was, I know he was their lighting guy, again I could be wrong. I was very young when I got told this information, anyway tha...