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Just a update on me myself and I


I just want to start off by saying I feel Sam Smith is a beautiful singer and song writer, his songs resonate with so many people just like Adele's 21 album. I love listening to his songs and singing a long to them, but I will never inflect that ear pain to you my loves.

I just want to update you on things with me, what I've been up too etc. 

First of all, I have completed my first booklet to my dementia course and posted it off to my assessor, I'm just waiting to see if there are many changes I have to make to my answers. I took my time getting started on it, I think I answered 12 questions out of 29 in the first two weeks, I have four weeks to complete the first book. So on Sunday 31st of August I put my head phones on blasted music from Paramore, A Day To Remember and Alexisonfire (very different music to what you all may know me to like, but I've love that style of music since I was 15) and got the book finished :) Fingers crossed for me please lovely's. 

Last week I ordered a colouring book, I know I'm 24 and wanting to colour in but trust me on this one, the book is amazing!! It's called Secret Garden, I saw it in one of Zoella's YouTube videos and thought 'oo that looks interesting' I got all prepared for it, I bought myself some Sharpies and well, that's all I did while waiting for it to arrive BUT I love it. I would recommend NOT using Sharpies because they print onto the other side of the page so I can't colour that page in boohoo. 

That is the first one I've coloured so far, half way through, the smell of the pens is quite strong so I can't focus on it for too long. What do you think? All the pages are super detailed and really lovely pictures to be honest. 

Yesterday 3rd of September was my brother Jacks birthday, he is now 27 woo. Myself and Rob went to Flamingo Land with him and his girlfriend Emma, my niece and Emma's little boy. It was such a nice day, I'm not a ride person because I'm a pansy, I went on the carousel (which I loved) and the ferris wheel (which I had a mild panic on) I adopted the role of bag looker after, which was fine by me because I only really wanted to see the Giraffes. When we eventually went to see them I did feel slightly emotional because I just love them so much, I wanted to buy everything giraffe related in the gift shops but managed to restrain myself from doing so. There's a picture to show my excitement :)

Today I am going to the hospital to see my Neurologist again, for those who don't know, since December I have been struggling with dizziness/imbalance. When it started I was back and forth to the doctors because I felt I couldn't walk in a straight line or stand with nothing around me for me to hold onto. I'm not a person who goes to the doctors a lot, so for me to go and keep going showed those around me that something wasn't right. In around April/May time I was referred to a Neurologist who decided I needed to have an MRI on my brain and spine to see if there is any visible blockages so I had that done in June and finally today I am getting those results. I'm guessing nothing showed up because they would have called me back in sooner but my dizziness/imbalance is still there. I had a few months of it being okay, still there but not as strong unfortunately last Saturday it was full force again. I feel like it's lights that causes it because I get it the worst at work which has strong artificial lighting but I have no idea because it can happen anywhere randomly. I hope to find out something today about what it could possibly be, we shall see. 

They are the most exciting things that have happened with me in the last two weeks, how sad! (I say sarcastically but totally meaning it.)

I hope you enjoy the rest of your week and weekend :)

Much love
Beth xx

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