Hello my loves, are you well? I'm very cold :( I felt like a midweek blog post I hope you don't mind :)
I try to tell myself and others not to let the opinion of those who mean nothing to my life, effect my life. Instead I feel it's important to let those who do mean a lot to me or effect my life positively, know. I will tell people that I think they are a lovely person. Sometimes it's nice to be nice for no other reason than just simply being nice.
I admit I'm crap at keeping in touch with people, I often get a little too wrapped up in my own stuff, don't we all? But I hope that people know I would always be there if they needed me to be. I feel a lot of us forget that there are people in our lives who will be there in a minute to help. Sometimes they can be the most unlikeliest person yet turn out to be the best person for you in difficult times.
We have a lot going for each of us even when it doesn't seem like we do. We can make a positive out of any negative we just have to keep going. Don't allow ourselves to get lost in others negative opinions and actions. Because for the small amount of crap we get dealt we have a huge heap of non crap we can surround ourselves with.
When we have the opportunity to make ourselves happy we should, change what is bringing us down to something that will lift us up :)
Much love,
Beth xxx
Hello again :-) again relating to strangers opinions of us , I suffer from this a lot I seem to take everything personally even if that person means nothing to me , a child shouted freak at me the other day and even that made me feel upset , I'm trying to train my brain into knowing that what other people think of me does not matter , the right people will think the right things about me but it's also hard to let things go , I'm unusual and I should be proud of it x thank you your blogs really speak to me x best wishes