I'm watching the final of Big Brother, I want Christopher to win just saying! Okay he's just been evicted! Glad I didn't do a bet on that one.
Anyhoo...quite a few people have asked me how I am able to write the things I write about in my blog and ask me if I find it helps. The things I write about I will tell people in person but I will only tell them snippets, I find it so much easier to just write it down, I don't have to see the emotions of those reading, (Helen has won Big Brother - NOT happy) right sorry, in person I don't like seeing the persons reactions when I tell them personal information I always turn into a blubbering mess if they say something I might not like. Me writing it out and publishing it for anyone to read shockingly is very easy for me to do considering I could get negative comments from all over the place but when I write them I don't really think about that I just want to get it out of my brain so it really does help and I think it will help others understand me a bit more, you'll all understand why I have the quirks I have.
This is my very public diary that I can keep for however long I want and I'll be able to read back any cringe worthy stuff I have written.
I fully encourage anyone to do the same thing. Maybe not a public blog if you're not comfortable with doing that but writing your thoughts down on a piece of paper could help so much. Don't store it all up in your fantastic brain you never know what you could discover about yourself and/or discover about others. It definitely helps me writing these and annoying all of you :) but who knows where it will lead.
Go on, go for it :)
Much love
Beth x
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