10 years...10 long but very fast years!! Okay, I admit, I'm late to the 10 year blog anniversary, like 7 months late haha but I've been busy. I can't quite believe I started writing on here over 10 years ago. About my Dad, who has now been gone 10 years as of only a few days ago! Which is mental. This pocket of space helped me a lot back then, and it continued to help a little while after but it's definitely time for me to say goodbye to this space now. It served me well back then, but like we all do, I've grown and found other things now that suit me better. You see, I couldn't express in real life how I felt back then, what I was dealing with watching my Dad with MND. So this was my voice. Then I realised oh wow I can say a lot of things here that I can't express due to fear or embarrassment and general learning things about myself etc. Who knew writing a few words on a few posts could help heal so many broken pieces. I'll always be pretty grateful fo...
Hey... It seems this blog is getting a lot of attention recently. I honestly don't know how or why, I don't even know how people view it if they don't know me personally. I just wanna say, thank you for reading. It means a lot. This blog is coming up to be 10 years old. I started it when my Dad was dying as an outlet really. I would write about him, what was going on, how I was feeling etc etc. It kinda just continued that way for a while. I'd find that when I was struggling I'd come here, post a post and I was able to move on. Its why the majority of my posts are pretty downcast. My little mind isn't always the kindest to me. I last posted on here in December (I have since unpublished this post) because I was in something that was tricky. The last 3 months have been up and down but a corner has been turned and I'm feeling more positive. Which believe me I'm so happy about! I'm not sure if I'll post again anytime soon but please know despite my ...