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My Days with Day Time Tele


So thank fluff it’s Friday!!! This week has felt like a very long one. I’ve had zero baby free time and the husband has worked late a couple of nights and been to the cinema so I haven’t had that chill time I can usually get. (This is no poor me poor me btw!)

Anyway! This week I took the little Miss for her 4 month check with the health visitor. I wasn’t worried about it I just wanted to get it done with. 

So she was asking me about Millie etc and she’s doing really well so that was good. I told her I can’t cook so weaning will be interesting and she asked me if I knew how to peel a carrot *insert eye roll here* I quickly told her I’m no imbecile to which she apologised for being patronising. I was rather shocked myself with how quickly I snapped back, and that I even snapped back at all to be honest.


She wanted to know about me, how my body is recovering etc etc and then she asked if I was lonely, I lied...I said I wasn’t, but of course I am because everyone I know works all the time and my new Mum friends have busy lives so I spend my days watching day time television and making my daily visit to the Co-op, I feel like the staff are my friends even tho we don’t even speak to one another but ya know, humans *thumbs up*. 

So yes I spend my days getting angry at the super annoying poem people on the nationwide advert, mainly the guy and the girl in the photo booth, dunno why but they drive me mad! I’ve now grown another dislike towards the wine snob in the Lidl advert, again I don’t know why, I’ve never even tried wine so god knows why it/she bothers me so much. I’ve grown a very strong dislike towards Richard fucking Madeley! So much so I tweeted Good Morning Britain to share my dislike and wishes of how they’d get rid of him and take away his blasted pen!! I’m getting stressed about it just thinking about him now. 

Once Richard is off the screen I’ll calmly watch Lorraine, she’s cool, although she agrees with everyone so I don’t get a strong sense of I know her if you get what I mean. Then it’s Jeremy’s turn...the most arrogant, narrow minded twat on morning tele (apart from Madeley of course) why he thinks he’s some type of comedian I do not know! I wait for the day when he gets into someone’s face and they deck him one, even with Steve there I’m convinced it’ll happen.

Then it’s Holly and Phil! I LOVE these two! Can they be my friends? Oh sod it, in my sad sad lonely life I feel they are! The Halloween episode was one of the funniest. I’d love a selfie with them, and to have a laughing fit with them, maybe even a cry too. They are just so so lovely. 

Loose women...I ain’t too bothered about. Although I will say Stacey Solomon is BRILLIANT! 

Then the rest of my days consist of watching Friends. I never tire of that show.

So clearly I couldn’t tell the health visitor that I am lonely and I fill my days with the folk named above and pretend in my mind as if they are company and friends...she’d think I’m mad!!! So I told her I’m not and I manage to fill my days. 

She never suspected a thing ;) 

In all seriousness tho, Millie is doing really well and the love I have for her is just immense. I do get baby free time usually. I do I pottery class every Wednesday for a couple of hours, it’s brilliant, I’m awful at it but it’s so nice just to be separated for a bit. Baby free time is good. 

I’m doing really well. I joke above but sometimes I do feel lonely but it’s nothing intense or worrying. I go for a walk each day, I get fresh air. And to be honest I kinda love day time tele! I’m ridiculously broody again and I just can’t believe how much Millie is growing and changing each day. It’s a crazy crazy ride this parenthood thing but fantastic!

Much love,
Beth xx


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