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Tales Of Trimester Two


So I'm currently 24 weeks and 4 days! Time is flying by. I feel like I've only been pregnant for 2 minutes and now we're not too far from the end result...our baby! 

How is the second trimester going you ask? So far so good, there are changes that I'm noticing more and more but no matter how uncomfortable some may be I'm feeling really good. In my last post I wrote about how I was poorly, well touch wood I'm finally better, the double ear infection turned into tonsillitis, an illness I've not had since I was a kid! Another dose of 250mg antibiotics and I was soon back to myself only for a day to go by and my throat felt like razor blades again so another trip to the Drs. He refused me anymore antibiotics which I was so happy about to be honest and slowly each day it hurt less and less woohoo!! So I guess that's a change, a low immune system, as long as baby is okay I don't care, baby is life, colds and bugs and stuff are temporary. 

What else has happened hmmm...oh yeah, do you want to know what we are having??? A GIRL :D yes we have a name and yes I have been telling people so don't be surprised if there's a post once she's here explaining how her name is not what we decided at all, i hope that's not the case because we love her name! However I've decided that I'm going to stop telling people just in case. 

At our 20 week scan she just wasn't cooperating, she's shy or just a monkey! The ultrasound lady managed to get most measurements but couldn't check her heart and couldn't say for sure if she was in fact a she, so we had to go back the following week because they NEED to check that little heart. Again she was curled into a ball and wasn't playing ball but the ultrasound lady managed to get what she needed and kindly showed us the 4 white lines that indicate a girl so we were very happy. And to be honest having an extra scan is lovely. 

She is now kicking a lot, its the most amazing but bizarre feeling ever, she's currently kicking me whilst I'm writing this. Tonight I actually saw my belly move with her kicks, I loved it. Rob felt her kick for the first time last week which he thought was super weird and he burst into what can only be described as a confused freaked out laugh. Bless him. He's not felt her kick since. 

Other stuff, well I pee loads, seriously! I pee we go somewhere and I have to pee again. It's weird! The urge comes on fast and you have to go, this is too much information but there's been times where I've thought I'm going to piss myself!! How embarrassing, luckily I haven't...yet haha. Sleeping has changed, I can't sleep on my back so I sleep on my sides. I get uncomfortable quickly though so some nights feel like I'm constantly turning over. Oh and I've started to snore, like a fog horn!!! Poor Rob. 

A down side for me being pregnant is the judgement about my size, my bmi. Everything is my bmi's fault, so my fatso's fault! A note from a scan was 'reduced detail due to bmi', having to have a glucose intolerance test because of my bmi, I had that today it wasn't as bad as I thought but still. Extra scans further down the line which is a positive!!! I get to see her more which is lovely. Having to be on aspirin because of my bmi, having a judgemental midwife who looks at my arm before a blood pressure test like it's a tree trunk and asks 'hmm do we usually use the bigger cuff on you' no, no you bloody don't! Possibly not having the option of a water birth because of my bmi. I'm not stupid or naive enough to think these things are in place for no reason at all, of course they are and of course I'll do whatever to make sure our baby is safe and growing well and that my health doesn't become affected. What I don't like is the feeling of shame I get because I'm a bigger girl, feeling as though I'm terrible because I have a bigger belly than others. It's like I won't be a good mum because I jiggle like jelly. That's what I don't like about my pregnancy. That's my moan! So don't judge haha.

So to end, I'm enjoying my growing bump and feeling our baby girl kick around in there. I can't believe how quickly it's flying by and we aren't far away from the third trimester. It's not long until I finish work and it's really not long until I get to meet her. I'm extremely excited but also so scared. I love her already :) 

Much love
Beth xxx 


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