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Showing posts from October, 2015

Be True

81 .  Good evening loves, how are you? I'm okay, I'm just sat watching XFactor, I'm having to stay up late tonight because I'm desperate to watch WWE Hell In A Cell which is at midnight. Are any of my you watching it? Or if you are reading this from the future did you watch it? What did you think?  I want to write something that speaks to people, but I don't want to seem like a really miserable person. The truth is, I'm just really deep sometimes. I like in depth conversation and I like to write what is deep in my soul and sometimes that stuff is a bit intense and boring. I'm sorry.  I enjoy writing poems that some may be able to relate too. I like to be honest with my feelings because I feel that's safe. Do you ever feel like that? Do you ever sit in a daydream and question everything? I do. I question what my life would be like if I chose all the opposite choices to what I chose, not because I feel I have an unhappy life, I don't, I jus...

Dear Autumn

80. Dear Autumn, It's nice to have you here again The coldness of your breath The brightness of your falling leaves So magical in their death Dear Autumn, You weep your tears so publicly For all of us to feel Although we frown at naked trees   We wish for you to heal Dear Autumn, The pink skies that you wake us with May be a shepherds warning I ask you with hasted breath  Please keep them to bring the dawn in Dear Autumn, As we say goodbye to your sister summer With rain and clouds and sometimes thunder  We welcome you with warmth and laughter  With the blankets to fill our families under Dear Autumn, You bring us closer to the end of the year  Our days past with love and fear As we reflect to see how far we've come I'll enjoy you Autumn, you're my favourite one 

Autumn Changes My Mind and Soul

79 . I'm lost in the sound of the water. As it flows freely with only one direction for it to follow.  I'm lost in the music that each day creates. The birds singing and the wind rustling the leaves on the trees. It distracts me. A distraction that I beg to have. I need the distraction each moment. My mind is lost sometimes. My mind is lost right now. I'm the opposite of the water. I have no direction to go in. I have nothing to follow, only my daily routine which pushes me when disrupted, it tests me. It's testing right now.  I hate the feeling when your body wants to scream but equally cry at the same time. My body can't decide and I can't direct it.  I wish I was like the water, I wish I knew where to go, I wish my life could decide where it wants to go. Until I decide I shall lose myself further with the water, with the trees. I will appreciate what this world has to offer. I will get myself on track. I don'...