81 . Good evening loves, how are you? I'm okay, I'm just sat watching XFactor, I'm having to stay up late tonight because I'm desperate to watch WWE Hell In A Cell which is at midnight. Are any of my you watching it? Or if you are reading this from the future did you watch it? What did you think? I want to write something that speaks to people, but I don't want to seem like a really miserable person. The truth is, I'm just really deep sometimes. I like in depth conversation and I like to write what is deep in my soul and sometimes that stuff is a bit intense and boring. I'm sorry. I enjoy writing poems that some may be able to relate too. I like to be honest with my feelings because I feel that's safe. Do you ever feel like that? Do you ever sit in a daydream and question everything? I do. I question what my life would be like if I chose all the opposite choices to what I chose, not because I feel I have an unhappy life, I don't, I jus...