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First of all, I know it's been awhile. I've turned quite rubbish at this blogging shizniz! But oh well I'm here now so lets start...

Hello my loves, oh loves I'm not listening to anything while I write this, I'm merely just sitting here with only the light from the computer screen to spur me on to write to you all. I have TWO things to say in this blog...

Remember months a go when I wrote a blog titled 'This fat chicks gotta get fit'? well I never got fit BUT today (Sunday 14/06/15) I COMPLETED THE 10K!!!!!!!!! I walked the full thing, I've never ran before so I would have been stupid to think I could have ran today. Granted I was right at the back I did it, I got involved in something I would have NEVER of done before. 

Some of you may think 'meh it's only 10K' but believe me loves, that's a huge deal to me, zero confident me!! I saw people I knew and I still cracked on with it. There where moments as I was walking along where I had my head down so people would hopefully ignore me (pretty hard when you're power walking alone in the middle of a road) but the the majority of that walk I did with a huge smile on my face! I was bloody proud of myself, and I knew others where too.

I didn't do the 10K alone, there was Rob, Audrey, Shell and Sue who all joined me, but we all did our own pace and I'm darn proud of them too, we had a team spirit going on, we were all nervous but excited. I have no idea why I was so nervous, I guess it was because I had no idea what to expect.

Throughout the whole walk I had my Dad in my mind, he was the reason why I was doing it, he was the reason I signed up for it in the first place and I wanted to make him proud, I know he would be my loves.

I absolutely loved the atmosphere, everyone was so encouraging, other runners while they were puffing and panting still cheered me on, random people in the street. I can't tell you how much that encouragement boosted me along as well, to look at me I don't fit with this type of stuff, I wobble and jiggle and have very little muscle but inner strength and the belief from all the people around was amazing! 

Loves, if you take anything for this section of the blog take this, it doesn't matter what you look like, or what you think you are physically capable of or incapable of, if you hold that inner drive to do something you go and do it! Because no matter what anyone says to you, or thinks, do what YOUR heart wants and the inner strength you carry will get you there. 



My second little thing to tell you loves is I have decided to self publish on Kindle my blog posts during the months when I spoke to you about my Dad, I want them to help people, I want it to be something where someone can read it and know they aren't alone in what they are going through and that things get positive again.

Of course I will let you know when it's ready to buy, I'm strongly hoping for this month because it's MND awareness month so I feel it will be good timing. So lovelies watch this space :D 

I have managed to raise over £800 for MND doing the 10K and with donations from the others we will reach way over £1000, it's totally unbelievable, my target was £500!!!! Thank you so much.

Much love
Beth xxx

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