Hi lovelies, just wanted to say sorry if you read blog 35, I've been struggling to sleep so I was super tired and miserable. HOWEVER I filmed my Dad yesterday for a few seconds and it just makes me smile because he's laughing and smiling and I wanted to share that with you :)
A lot of you ask about my Dad, about how he is doing etc and I update you all in person and through my blog and it never really sounds too positive but when I see him we laugh so much over nothing and this is prime example of that :)
Much love
Beth xx
p.s to leave a comment just select the name/URL option in the drop down menu :)
Topman ronnie .top daughter xx
ReplyDeleteAw hun , I couldn;t hear the video very well because of my damn laptop but you can see how happy you make your dad. It was emotional to watch. xox