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Showing posts from November, 2014

It's all about the eyes!

38. My loves, I feel weird because it's Wednesday and I should have been at work yesterday but I wasn't so I feel like it's Tuesday but it's Wednesday! So because on Wednesday's I don't start work till later on I thought I'd do a quick picture 'tutorial' of my eye make-up which featured briefly in my previous blog. Listening to 1D again...need help! Those are the four items I have used to have my eyes the way they are today, and it really doesn't take that long. Ignore the Rimmel London eye shadows, I don't know why I added them in the picture :/ Firstly I start off with the base of my make up all done and dusted, foundation, concealer, powder and blusher. I will list the names of the products at the end of the blog for you :) Right then, firstly I use the Eternal Gold 24h Colour Tattoo eye shadow? eye shimmer? Anyway I literally just dab my finger into the shadow and gently dab that onto my eyelid. If you wait a ...

One Direction, Reindeer and Baby Pics

37. Hello my loves :D it's been a week, I'm sorry I haven't wrote to you guys since then, have you enjoyed the little 'break'? I've just been working so I haven't been filling my days with adventures to tell you all about, I so wish I had been that would have been AMAZING!  Right I'm listening to...One Direction, now, stay with me a moment please. I've never bought an album of theirs before, I've not been overly fond of their songs but when I heard Steal My Girl, well, they've converted me and I bought their new album Four...the deluxe version. I LOVE IT!!! I can't compare it to their previous albums because I've not heard them but yeah, I love this one. Don't be thinking I'm going to become 1D mad by the way! Let's say 'I'm going through a phase'. The second thing I've bought and love is the book The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion. I'm not a huge reader of books but I read The Rosie Project...

Quick video of Dad

36. Hi lovelies, just wanted to say sorry if you read blog 35, I've been struggling to sleep so I was super tired and miserable. HOWEVER I filmed my Dad yesterday for a few seconds and it just makes me smile because he's laughing and smiling and I wanted to share that with you :) A lot of you ask about my Dad, about how he is doing etc and I update you all in person and through my blog and it never really sounds too positive but when I see him we laugh so much over nothing and this is prime example of that :) <3 Much love Beth xx p.s to leave a comment just select the name/URL option in the drop down menu :) 

Overthinking, Tough day (sorry it's a negative one)

35 . Hello my loves, it's been a while since I've said that, I've missed it. Are you okay? I can't believe we are pretty much half way through November! Are you ready for Christmas? I've not bought a single thing yet, I best start shopping sharpish.  I'm not in a great place tonight, I feel like things are all getting a bit too much and I desperately want to run away from it all, I wanna say 'f*** it' but can't. Sometimes things just get a bit much don't they?  It's mainly brought on myself because I have this need to try and keep everybody happy, but of course, that's impossible. Why do this Beth? Why? Well self, I have no bloody idea!!!!  I feel quite an immense amount of pressure and guilt. I feel guilt everyday over things I can't change but wish I could, about the amount of time I spend with my Dad and the lack of skill I have to try and keep him entertained. I feel guilt that he's in a home, that he is ill a...


34. I saw this picture on one of my friends Facebook posts and I think it's so cute. It's a great little quote because it's so true. Can you remember the first time you fell in love? Having feelings towards someone that are completely indescribable but make perfect sense. The feeling of being safe and at ease whenever you are with them and the moments leading up to being with them again, a mass of butterflies find shelter in your belly and you're excited just to be with them again.  It's crazy how you, in one moment, realise the amount of love you have for the person. They might not know but you look at them and it's 'wow'  I'm not just talking about people in serious relationships, if we all think about it, we love a lot of people. The unconditional feeling of love towards family, where no matter what they do you have that need to make sure they are okay and protected. We love our closest friends, we tell our friends stuff that maybe we do...

My Everyday Make Up VIDEO

33. Hey my loves, soooooo I've made my first ever YouTube video and it's me (obv) showing you lovely lot how I do my make up each day.  It's 10 minutes long but please do watch it and let me know if I should film more and what you think (please try and keep it positive) I look forward to some feedback, hopefully. Enjoy  :)  Much love Beth xx p.s to leave a comment select the name/URL option in the drop down menu

Daddy Update and other stuff!

32. Hello my loves. I keep thinking it's Sunday today, I don't know why but I get happy when I realise it's only Saturday. I just wanna talk to you guys tonight, I want to express any thoughts that pop into my head so I have no idea how this blog is gonna go.  First of all though, I'm listening to a band called Mallory Knox - Shout at the Moon, I heard their song on Kerrang radio this afternoon and loved it. I will probably change songs while writing this because I really want to listen to Damien Rice for some reason. Check them both out, my music taste isn't all bad I swear.  I have realised this week that I really can't express myself in the correct way to people. If I'm upset or angry about something I would much prefer to live with those emotions for however long they stick around for, rather than actually saying out loud that 'this is the way I'm feeling and you are a part of that'. I am far more worried about that persons feelin...

Harry Potter and Fireworks all in one week!

31. HEY EVERYONE :D  Sooo the last two blogs have been slightly different, most of you won't have seen blog 30 because I didn't post it on Facebook or Twitter because I just didn't think most of you would be interested, but by all means take a look if you want too :)  I'm not actually listening to music tonight, I'm watching YouTube videos (I'm obsessed!) because I was in Watford last night and didn't have internet, I couldn't watch the vids I watch so now I'm trying to catch up on yesterdays and today's YES I'M OBSESSED!!  Anyhoo... Wednesday of this week was the 5th November which is bonfire night :D my favourite night of the year. Bonfire night used to scare me a lot because of all the loud noises from the fireworks but now I absolutely love them. I find if I hear them throughout the year I try to see which direction they are from just so I can sit and watch in awe.                    Thank you Robby for...

The Liebster Award

Hello lovelies!!  So...I've been 'nominated' for this a few times now and if I'm totally honest I'm not 100% sure what it is but I believe it gets all us bloggers connected and meeting each other through what we publish, WHICH IS FANTASTIC :D so thank you Amy for nominating me :) The rules are this... Post 11 random facts about yourself Answer the 11 questions the person who nominated you asked Nominate 11 bloggers to do the same, and let them know you have :) So lets begin... 11 Facts about myself are: 1. The scar on my cheek was caused by a toast crumb 2. I used to have an imaginary friend when I was little, and I cried when he 'died' 3. I love everything Disney  4. I have a dream to be fabulous on the radio (preferably Radio 1) 5. I can not and refuse to learn how to drive! 6. I'm pretty scared of most things...okay EVERYTHING 7. I've become addicted to YouTube 8. I'm stupidly tall with huge fee...

The Best Day of My Life

                10/01/2014 Was the greatest day of my life! <3