4. Hello once again you lovely lot. I hope your all okay and have been enjoying all this amazing weather that we've been having here in the UK. I look slightly like a lobster because I thought I could sit out in the direct sunlight with no suntan lotion on (I'm very fair skinned so ultimate mistake). I guess I should tell you what I'm currently listening too, PEARL JAM! Their MTV Unplugged set from 1992 set. Eddie Vedder is perfection to me, if I could ever have the opportunity to meet him I honestly believe I'd cry, major idol to me :) HI EDDIE *waves* (a girl can dream) I have mentioned that I get anxious about things so I thought in this blog I would explain what they are. Maybe some of you will be able to relate and give me tips on methods you have used to overcome them. Right then...for as long as I can remember I have always been shy, in reception at school I would hide under the tables because I had no idea what to say or do around a class of ...