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Showing posts from July, 2014

My Anxieties!

4. Hello once again you lovely lot. I hope your all okay and have been enjoying all this amazing weather that we've been having here in the UK. I look slightly like a lobster because I thought I could sit out in the direct sunlight with no suntan lotion on (I'm very fair skinned so ultimate mistake). I guess I should tell you what I'm currently listening too, PEARL JAM! Their MTV Unplugged set from 1992 set. Eddie Vedder is perfection to me, if I could ever have the opportunity to meet him I honestly believe I'd cry, major idol to me :) HI EDDIE *waves* (a girl can dream) I have mentioned that I get anxious about things so I thought in this blog I would explain what they are. Maybe some of you will be able to relate and give me tips on methods you have used to overcome them.  Right then...for as long as I can remember I have always been shy, in reception at school I would hide under the tables because I had no idea what to say or do around a class of ...

Don't Waste Time!

3. Hello you lovely lot, again I am listening to a beautiful song by the beautiful band Daughter...seriously check them out! Their music just makes me want to sit back and take in every word. It's definitely head swaying music (that's what I'm doing anyway each time I stop typing) Music is without a doubt a huge passion in my life! And it always has been and more than likely always will be, music takes me to a different place and I just love it :) *WARNING*  This is going to be (or at least try to be) a encouraging/word of advise type of thing so please just go along with it. During my 23 almost 24 years on this planet I have wasted a heck of a lot of time! I am ashamed of how much time I have let pass me by and if I'm honest I know that my character will allow me to continue wasting time even though I really don't want too.  Why do we do this though? Is it fear? In my case it most certainly is! Is it laziness? Is it that we become so comfortable in our ...

It's Okay!

2. I'm listening to a beautiful song called Medicine by a band called Daughter and it always makes me think about things, everything really. It's a dream of mine to watch them live and just be completely transfixed and slightly in love. Maybe in one blog I will write about some of my favourite bands...this blog however I want to just talk from the heart. So here it goes... In my life I have always wanted to shut my feelings away from others, I haven't wanted to bore them with the problems whizzing around my head about any old thing.  I have always wanted to appear as though I'm okay, that everything is okay with me and my life when sometimes it really wasn't, sometimes I really struggled. I just really wanted to come across to others as the one they could go to with their problems so I could forget about mine. I would listen and try my best to advise (I still do) I wanted to feel that those close to me knew they had someone close by they could turn too ...

My first ever blog!

1. Hi there you lovely people *waves* so how do I start one of these things? hmm maybe a little introduction? Yeah, sounds good to me :)  Name - Beth Age - 23 (soon 24 eek) Relationship status - Married <3 Location - A large East Yorkshire village that has lots of hairdressers and cafes, standard!  The first thing you will notice about me is I am ridiculously tall, 6ft 1 tall! I love being tall but it means I have huge feet *sadface* so my desire to wear high heels will never be fulfilled - I once wore a 1 inch heel and a drunk man shouted at me in the street *extrasadface* BUT it's okay because I've developed an undying love for Nike trainers so I shall forever be happy with my huge feet :)  I have a crazy obsession with giraffes, I just love the tall buggers :D I have a building collection of teddies, ornaments, key chains I even have a cushion and sadly I name them all (I told you it was a crazy obsession) If I don't achieve much ...