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The ice bucket challenge!


Hello my loves, has it been a week already? Sorry I haven't written this week, I was at work most the week and I don't finish till after 10 at night and I think that's a bit late to turn on the computer, especially when I had nothing in my head to write about. I guess I should tell you what I'm listening too, it wouldn't be a blog of mine if I didn't, currently listening to Alter Bridge, Myles Kennedy has such a fantastic voice, love it!

Over the past week, maybe two or three weeks there has been a global phenomenon called the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS, to us here in the UK it is known as MND and to any of you who regularly read my blogs you will know how MND is currently in my families lives and I can't tell you how AMAZED I am that MND is finally getting acknowledgement to so many people who have never heard of it before and are learning all about the disease! Everybody who is affected by this disease wants awareness, awareness, AWARENESS and we're getting it! Fantastic!!

I just hope that once this ice bucket challenge ends people still remember MND and keep it in their thoughts, I hope this challenge brings national advertisements for the disease and continues to get awareness, I don't want people to remember pouring ice water over their heads and forgetting what they actually did it for. It upsets me when I see lots of videos where people don't mention the cause, they don't include the text number for people to donate, they are just merely pouring water over their heads for the likes. The challenge started with a great intention to bring awareness and raise much needed money for a poorly funded cause for ALS/MND. 

This craze will eventually stop, but MND never stops affecting those who are living with it and it will never leave the families who have lost a loved one from the disease. We will forever live with the memories and emotional pain that MND brings a long with it. 

In the short period of time it has been in the forefront so much money has been raised and it is truly incredible! I want to say thank you, thank you to those who have donated to ALS/MND. I myself have done the ice bucket challenge today and I have donated. 

Motor Neurone Disease is a bastard. 

To donate please text ICED55 to 70070. 

Much love
Beth xx

p.s to leave a comment select the name/URL option in the drop down menu.  


  1. this is great on this side ot the world every one i know has mentioned they are doing it for ALS

    1. That's brilliant, I think the ice bucket challenge is great over here, lots of people do unfortunately I've seen a few videos where there is no mention of the disease which upsets me. xx

  2. Fab as always Beth.
    Making soookk many people aware of MND and your soooo right it isa bastard.
    Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx


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