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Thank you


Hey lovely folk of the world!! Yes, the WORLD! But first I'm currently listening to Birdy, beautiful singer and so young. I predict many more successful years for her. 

ANYWAY back to the world thing, my blog have been viewed over 1500 times now which is pretty cool to me considering I've only wrote 6 blogs before this one. I just want to quickly write a big big thank you to everyone who read my last blog about my dad's MND, it got retweeted on Twitter a bunch of times and the MND Association tweeted it out and put it on their Facebook page so thank you to them for sharing the tiny glimpse of my life with so many other people. MND needs awareness!!! 

I will write more blogs about my dads condition but sometimes it's too difficult to think about for how ever long it takes me to write about it. 

I started writing my blog because I want to write the things that I should say but can't (not because it naughty or rude) because it's stuff that not everyone wants to hear or talk about. The blog is to help me and my tired little brain. But if anything I write can help someone else then that makes me pretty happy. I hope my blog can relate to some of you. 

I didn't really have a subject for this blog, it was really just to say thank you for the support of my last blog and I hope you all carry on enjoying what I'm writing, no matter how random. 

Thank you

Much love
Beth x

p.s To leave a comment select the name/url in the drop down menu :) 


  1. Hi Beth, you are doing a fab job. This is such a great medium for you to "exorcise the demons" so to speak.
    MND affects everyone it touches, and it is so great that your blog is being shared and seen by so many. Keep it up babe.
    Love your proud Cousin x x


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