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November = Bonfire night!


NOVEMBER???!!! Where the did November come from? This year is whizzing by so unbelievably quickly I've almost got whiplash! Soon it will be Christmas, quickly followed by New Year and we start all over again lovelies! 

I'm currently on Spotify and I've gone onto the Radio section and chose to listen to some Singer/Songwriters and the first song on is Damien Rice - The Blower's Daughter, this song is absolutely stunning! I beg you to listen to it, Damien Rice's album O was one of my favourites a few years ago. I would just listen to it when I was struggling and I'd just relax, have a little cry to myself and sing the house down to all the songs. Beautiful, if any of you listen to my music suggestions please listen to this one. 

If you listen to the song that picture will make sense.

In a few days time so many of us will congregate around a big bonfire in a field where the children are excited by the toffee apples and the mystical magic of the sparklers that we all use to write our names in mid air. As the fireworks zoom into the sky and make their exploding sounds we all look up to the sky in amazement of how all the colours disperse into nothing. The oo's and the ahh's from everyone and the reflection of the orange and red flames in all our eyes is truly perfect. It's a shame that those feelings of that night only seem to be there on the 5th November, bonfires and fireworks any other time of the year don't have that same me they don't anyway. 

I love this time of year, getting cosy in big jumpers and having every part of yourself wrapped up in multiple layers of knitwear, but the tip of your nose always turns red from the bitter icy air that is freely floating around. As November slowly grows into itself and December appears, hot chocolates will be the drink of choice for most. Christmas decorations will be popping up more and more in each shop and we will be all panicking about what presents we still need to buy for our loved ones. We dislike the stress of the build up but when the day comes it's totally worth it. 

This time of year is about togetherness, it's about friends, it's about family. I can't wait to to see my niece turn eight years old, I have memories from being that age in my mind that I still go back too to this very day. I love seeing the person she is becoming. My nephew turns one in December how crazy is that!! I saw him today and he smiled the minute he saw me and that made my heart melt! I just love this time of year.

I hope you all enjoy bonfire night on Wednesday, please write your names in the air with the sparklers :) 

Much love
Beth xx

p.s to leave a comment select the name/url option in the drop down menu that appears once you click on 'no comments' 


  1. Hi Beth, another good blog, hope you enjoy bonfire night, I will be doing your shift at work, have a fab time while your off, see you soon suey x x x

  2. I miss the good old days where I used to write my name with a sparkler and had nothing else to worry about guess those days are gone hah . I am still going to see fireworks though we don't do a bonfire around here though which is a shame I'd love it. Good pics too xox

    1. This will be the first bonfire I'm going too in years and I will more than likely try to write my name with a sparkler haha we can try and pretend for a few hours that there are no worries to be had :) have a good night on Wednesday and thank you for reading xx


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