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My first ever blog!


Hi there you lovely people *waves* so how do I start one of these things? hmm maybe a little introduction? Yeah, sounds good to me :) 

Name - Beth
Age - 23 (soon 24 eek)
Relationship status - Married <3
Location - A large East Yorkshire village that has lots of hairdressers and cafes, standard! 

The first thing you will notice about me is I am ridiculously tall, 6ft 1 tall! I love being tall but it means I have huge feet *sadface* so my desire to wear high heels will never be fulfilled - I once wore a 1 inch heel and a drunk man shouted at me in the street *extrasadface* BUT it's okay because I've developed an undying love for Nike trainers so I shall forever be happy with my huge feet :) 

I have a crazy obsession with giraffes, I just love the tall buggers :D I have a building collection of teddies, ornaments, key chains I even have a cushion and sadly I name them all (I told you it was a crazy obsession) If I don't achieve much in life I will definitely be remembered as the crazy giraffe lady. 

My husband Rob is my best friend! I love that guy unconditionally till the end of time. The day after my birthday will be our 6 year anniversary, and I hope we will have many many more years of happiness together. He doesn't like my love for giraffes though...fool! :D

Currently in my life myself and my family are going through a very difficult period. Last year my dad was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease, a disease that attacks the central nervous system causing muscles to weaken and basically waste away leaving that person to struggle with day to day live and eventually unable to care for themselves. It has to be one of the worst things I have seen someone go through and I don't believe anyone could understand what it is like. As family members we struggle emotionally to see the person we love struggle, I could never imagine how my dad feels being the one with it. 
It breaks my heart talking to people online who have also been through this/have gone through it, they are all strangers but we are all connected, we can all feel the other persons feelings when they are finding it hard. I can't thank the number of people who have replied to my messages with encouraging words and pure kindness. Thank you <3 

I need your help to get me out there experiencing amazing things!!! I want to get a bucketlist together and try my darnedest to do them. I'm letting anxiety and fear control my life and I need to fight back and throw two fingers up to it, but lets start small okay? No running before I walk :D 

In my future blogs, I will try and do weekly uploads just to update you on things I have done, things I'm planning on doing etc etc. 
I will update you on my Dad and how I'm feeling with it all. 

Much love
Beth x


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